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Oklaunion Industrial Park Information

In 2015, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) passed a new rule addressing the handling, storage and disposal of coal combustion residuals (CCRs). CCRs are the materials that remain after coal is burned.

Five Oklaunion Plant ash storage sites currently are included in the CCR program. They are ponds 6, 21, 22 and 23 and the wastewater and sludge pond.

All of these storage sites are in the process of being closed. OIP has applied to TCEQ for permission to permanently close these sites in accordance with all regulatory requirements.

We strive to take advantage of opportunities to beneficially reuse as much CCR material as possible.

Groundwater Monitoring Report & Statistical Analysis

September 2019

While Oklaunion Plant has five coal ash storage sites covered by this rule, there are no 2018 or 2019 reports as the groundwater at the plant does not qualify as an aquifer. 

Coal Combustion Residuals Monitoring & Reporting

March 2018
Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO) has determined that a groundwater monitoring program is not necessary at Oklaunion Plant. The rule does not require groundwater monitoring when an aquifer is not present. The groundwater at Oklaunion does not qualify as an aquifer because it does not yield usable quantities of water.

Alternate Source Reviews

Alternate Source Reviews were not conducted for any CCR storage sites at Oklaunion Plant because groundwater monitoring is not required. 

Location Restrictions

November 2018
The CCR rule established location restrictions for coal ash storage sites. It requires that storage site locations be evaluated regarding proximity to groundwater aquifers, wetlands, fault areas, seismic zones and unstable areas (example: presence of quicksand).

Oklaunion’s CCR storage sites meet all location restrictions.

Next Steps

AEP has announced its intention to cease operation of Oklaunion Plant by September 2020. The plant will begin the process of closing the CCR storage sites at that time.

Additional Information

Pond 6

Pond 21

Pond 22

Pond 23

Wastewater & Sludge Pond